Electronic software delivery for the industrial automation industry
Securely servicing over one billion digital transfers in 80 countries annually
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Give your customers more

What is get®Plus?
getPlus is a sophisticated electronic software delivery (ESD) ecosystem that performs like no other tool on the market. It bridges the gap between automation provider and end user by seamlessly integrating into the industrial automation providers’ licensing structures and databases—SAP, Oracle, and all others—to manage and deliver entitled and required software updates to their clients. For the end user, it monitors the status of machines so exact updates, and incompatibility issues are identified. This user-friendly and cost-effective tool helps factories make the transition to industry 4.0. It derails customs and border issues to deliver software online to clients anywhere in the world guaranteeing value flow and simplifying taxation processes. getPlus is a quicker, smarter, greener, safer, and more cost effective solution for software distribution. getPlus tracks downloads and maintenance expirations, and offers a unique interface where providers can promote additional solutions and increase sales.Why get®Plus?
Because providing customer service and satisfaction, whilst driving down cost and increasing revenue is the ultimate goal of any business. getPlus aids this goal by providing the most convenient production-line maintenance available through guaranteeing safe online delivery of entitled software and updates to clients no matter when and where they need it. Moreover, it provides proof of delivery and guarantees value flow, complying with taxation legislation like upcoming EU's ATAD. Quick and secure updates support security, performance, and the overall lifespan of production machines.
![]() SmallAt only 320kb, it is the smallest, fastest and most user-friendly transfer manager available
![]() SecureWorks across all firewalls and proxies to transfer files with state-of-the-art security
![]() CertainSimplifies taxation process and guarantees value flow across different VAT regions
getPlus Clients